Monday, January 21, 2013

22 lbs to go

OK, so I didn't quite reach my target of losing 2 lbs last week, but not to worry I still lost 1 lb and a loss is a loss no matter how small.

It's important that I don't get disheartened cos that generally ends with me curled up in a ball in front of the telly watching Some Like It Hot and gorging on Mars bars (I don't even like Mars bars but they are always the fat-bomb of choice when I fall off the wagon!)

This week will be a struggle cos I'm back in college after work so it will be harder to avoid the doughnuts and muffins in the campus cafe at break-time. The long hours are also hard to deal with in that if I get to hungry I'll over-indulge.

Again, this week the target is 2 lbs but hey, if I lose a lb a week I'll be happy and consistent (if a little impatient).

Have a good week!


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Musings of the Day to Day Kind: 23 lbs to go! Who's with me?!

Musings of the Day to Day Kind: 23 lbs to go! Who's with me?!: Right, so it being January, I've decided to get back into my weight loss groove after the Christmas indulgence of booze, booze, chocolate, p...

23 lbs to go! Who's with me?!

Right, so it being January, I've decided to get back into my weight loss groove after the Christmas indulgence of booze, booze, chocolate, pudding, turkey and more booze!

My goal weight is 23 lbs less than what I am now -a nice, healthy 22.5 BMI- (out of vanity I won't be telling you my weight!) There's no deadline really but I'd like to be well on my way to reaching it by April (my birthday :-) )

I weigh myself every Saturday morning, and today being Thursday I only have two days to go before next weigh day. This weeks be 2 lbs lighter.

I do have a confession to make though...I just ate a Cadbury's Double Decker (oops! Though, in my own defence I didn't have a proper lunch) and I will be exercising later to work it off.

I have gone for a jog every night this week and have eaten relatively healthily, so fingers crossed that I can work off the chocolate (that I now feel horrendously guilty about!) and drop those 2 lbs.

Will keep you posted!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Quick and Easy Weight Loss? My Hole!

BlowfishFairy 1; Weighing scales 0

Weight loss so far: 2st

Goal weight loss: 3st 7lbs (only 1.5st to go!)

I have spent many a long hour searching for quick and easy weight loss tips, and have found many questionable sites (see my previous post- )! Articles that promise you'll lose a stone in a fortnight, or drop a dress size in a week...
I have tried them all. Let me tell you a few little things about them:

1. You may lose weight...Why? Because they have what I like to call the laxative effect on your poor (albeit a little flabby) body. Personally, I don't think it's worth it.

2. If you were lucky enough to lose the weight, as soon as you starting eating regularly (and healthily) again you WILL gain the weight back.

3. Some people don't lose a lb. This may be because your body when you start fad-dieting, your body goes in to survival mode and holds onto fat to save energy for the famine you are putting it through.

When dieting I work under the general rules that a) every body is different, so what works for some may not work for you and b) you cannot expect to lose weight on just dieting alone, or exercising alone. The two come hand in hand and work very well together.

I followed RTE's Operation Transformation. Making their low calorie dinners ( I live with my parents so most of the time my mam cooked for me), and jogging in the morning before my breakfast, worked wonders for me!

I started in January and lost a stone in two months. After that, it took a lot of motivation (of which I was quickly running out!) and by the summer I'd lost a further 1/2 stone (weight loss slows down after the initial drop). I took the summer off because, well, who wants to be counting calories when they're sunning themselves in Malta! Summer is a time for indulging in ice cold beers and barbeques...not exactly diet friendly! I was delighted with myself that I'd pretty much managed to maintain my weight loss. So by September I was ready for another go on the diet wagon. So far I've lost another 1/2 stone. If only by I could lose another stone Christmas I'd be one happy festive bunny!!

So that's my story of how weight loss is difficult, but as we all know anything worth having is not easily got.
You need to give yourself a break, otherwise you'll get bored and boredom = gaining weight.


This me before I started losing weight:

And this is me after: 


Pro-Anorexia Websites?? Seriously?!

Those of you who know me well, know that I have never been entirely happy with my weight. It's something that I can be very sensitive about and I'm likely to snap your head off if you say anything about it that's less than complimentary! So, when surfing the internet for quick and easy weight loss tips I came across a website that offered these things. It turned out to be a pro-anorexia website. I'd only read about these types of sites in magazines and never really thought much about them. But when faced with the reality of this website I was completely blown away by how unbelievably dangerous they are for girls (and boys) who are suffering from this awful illness! 


This particular website offers 20 tips on how to anorexic especially if your young and still living with your parents....One such tip is 

17. Leave traces of food that you would have eaten. For example, when I was in high school my mom made me eat breakfast. So I would get up a little earlier, go to the kitchen, make some toast, fix some cereal, and get out a yoghurt  Toast the bread (leave the toaster out), put crumbs on the plate, pour some cereal and throw it down the garbage disposal, do the same with the yoghurt  If the food isn't there, your parents will think that you ate it!

It also lists the 'thin commandments' as reasons to be anorexic!!

If you aren’t thin, you’re ugly.
Being thin and perfect are signs of true determination.Being thin is way more important than being healthy.

You must do anything to make yourself look thinner.
Thou shall not eat without feeling guilty.
Thou shall not eat fattening foods without punishing yourself accordingly.
Thou shall always count calories.
The scale is everything.
Losing=Life, Gaining=Death
You must become thin.

Am I being stupidly naive in thinking that websites like these should be banned because of the potential damage caused to the people taking heed of such tips? 

To actually recommend that someone put their body through the physical hardship of starving themselves is not only physically damaging but mentally so!

Surely there's someone out there as outraged as I am about this...?

Something needs to be done about these websites, but what? Any ideas?